5 Tips For Taming Your Inner Critic

We all have that part of us.

You know, that “inner voice” that challenges, critiques and even mocks us.

Even when we’re trying to think positively, that inner critic can still get in our way and make life difficult.

Especially for millennial women struggling with anxiety, depression or even trauma.

It teases; it taunts.

It makes us doubt ourselves, compare ourselves to others and feel inferior.

It makes us feel unworthy and undeserving.

Although it can feel overwhelming, there are things we can do to tame that mental beast.


Reframing our thoughts takes time and practice, but can be an important strategy to combatting the effects of that nasty inner critic. When it tells you can’t or you’re not good enough, challenge the monster with reality: “I am capable. I can and will figure this out.” Over time, that voice will quiet and your confidence will strengthen.


Our inner critics can tell us all kinds of nasty lies. It can be really slick and even convince us these lies are truth. But we have a mental trick up our sleeves the critic doesn't know about: the ability to examine the evidence. When that mental roller coaster is riding high and you feel like giving in, remember to find the evidence for whatever the inner critic is trying to manipulate you into believing. Are you really a bad friend? Do you actually not have the knowledge or skills to be successful? Gather the evidence to prove that inner critic wrong.


The truth is, we’re not perfect. There’s no such thing. We’re living the adventure of life and sometimes it can be really fucking hard. So when that mental monster tries to take over, remember to be gentle with yourself. Give yourself time to process, feel and heal. It’s okay to take breaks. It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling. Allow your body (and mind) time to rest and recharge,


Remember that self care toolbox I always talk about? Time to dust it off and put it to use! This toolbox is filled with a variety of coping strategies you can use when that inner critic is being a real bitch. Mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation can be great for putting the critic in its place. Silencing the mind and body helps to silence the bully. Fill your toolbox with all the healthy self care skills you find helpful!


Reaching out for help can be one of the hardest parts of taming your inner critic. It takes strength and a commitment to yourself to acknowledge when you need support. Know your limits. Respect your boundaries. And know when it’s time to ask for help.


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