Individual therapy

  • Women Online Counseling for Depression and Anxiety

    Depression + Anxiety

    Feeling restless and unsure 24/7 is exhausting. You can’t sleep, eat or concentrate. When you don’t know who you are and what you’re doing with your life, it’s hard to make decisions. You second-guess yourself, doubt your abilities….

    And when you want something other than what’s been expected of you, it can be even harder to know what to do.

    Racing thoughts and uncertainty creep in to the point where you can’t shake those awful feelings. Every step you try to take feels like you’re trudging through mud. Your life isn’t going anywhere and you need help.

    If you’ve been struggling with depression or anxiety, or feelings you can’t quite identify, I am here to help you sort them out. Through holistic mental health counseling, we can work together to help you work through your emotions and how to best help yourself so you can start living the life you want.

  • Woman Sitting On Floor Doing Yoga

    Women's health

    As women, we embody strength, courage, spirituality and a connection to humanity like no other. The physical vessels we inhabit carry us through a lifetime of experiences; many of which can be life-changing.

    Our bodies are built to withstand a lot but that doesn’t mean they always function in an adaptive & healthy way. When things go wrong, they can really go wrong.

    And when our tangible bodies are not working properly, our entire essence can get out of sync. Whether we’re trying to live with the damage Endometriosis can cause or struggling to make our way through our journey with infertility, our mental wellbeing can suffer greatly.

    Holistic psychotherapy can be instrumental in aiding you through your healthcare journey. If you’re suffering with the effects of Endo, PCOS, Infertility or another women’s health - related concern, I’d be happy to speak with you about the benefits of counseling.

  • Woman Trauma Therapy


    Life has kicked you in the ass. It’s been one shitty experience after another. As hard as you’ve been trying, the pile of garbage from your life still reeks and keeps growing. Your relationships are suffering, you’re constantly reminded of those who have hurt you and you feel trapped. Trapped in the psychological bullshit that’s consuming your life.

    We like to call this bullshit, trauma. You know, all of that crap that stays stuck in your mind; stuck in your body. You want to move on but don’t know how. Or, maybe you’ve worked with a therapist previously but need to find a different strategy to sift through that pile of emotional trash.

    That’s where I come in! As a therapist trained in EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, I can help you work through that baggage in a whole new way. EMDR is a therapeutic approach that is highly effective in helping women (and men, too!) re-process recent and past traumatic events that keep creeping back up to the surface. First responders, veterans and survivors of abuse are just a few examples of individuals who may benefit from EMDR.

    If you are feeling stuck in your past, please feel free to reach out to me to see if EMDR would be a good fit for you.