Elevate your Life: Quit The Comparison Game


Have you played?

If you’re reading this, my guess is yes. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. This is definitely more than a one player game.

You compare yourself to your friends, they compare themselves to you, you all compare yourselves to people you don’t even know…

Every aspect of their life seems better than yours. They seem to have it all together.

The family, the fortune. Every time your bff smiles you can’t help but think how good she has it.

“If only I could have what she has. I just want to feel that confident.”

You’re driven wild by feeling less than; inadequate.

Your mind has you riding a constant roller coaster of self doubt.

And before you know it, you feel even worse than you did before you started playing the game.

Where’s the exit sign?

How do I stop the ride?

Is this a Squid Game type of deal?

Quitting the comparison game can be tough, but it is most definitely doable. Most of us have struggled with it at some point in our lives: but there are ways to slow the ride down so you can live your life freely without feeling the pressure from the game.


Okay, so here’s the thing: we don’t have control over other people so that means we can’t actually stop the multiplayer version of this game.

We can, however, choose to end the role we play in the game.

Here’s how:

  • Celebrate your authenticity. You’re a pretty rad person. Acknowledge it. Accept it. Celebrate it. Don’t hesitate to do what’s right for you. When you’re able to live in the energy that is truly, authentically you, comparison quickly drifts away.

  • Have grace. Self-compassion can do amazing things for alleviating the aftermath of the comparison game. Give yourself grace when you make a mistake or when things don’t work out the way you wanted. It’s okay. The great thing is that you can try again.

  • Let go of expectation. Life doesn’t always go the way we want. Or the way our parents or loved ones want. We may want something different than what was expected of us earlier in life. Release yourself from the pressure of expectation and disappointment: embrace your authenticity and everything that is meant solely for you.


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