Everything Is F*cked

Around the world, things are tense.

We’re seeing and hearing non-stop messages about limits on human rights, violence against women & children and the decay of our natural environment.

The war in Gaza…

Destruction of communities and villages…

And right here in the United States, things are not much better.

Many are struggling financially, while others are worried about whether they’ll be able to access safe medical care.

And with a big election coming up in less than two months, people are on edge.

It’s constant trauma; constant fear.

No matter where you look, you can’t get away from it.

Let’s face it: everything is fucked.

At least, that’s how it feels.

Like no matter what you do, nothing will change.

You feel powerless.

While there may be some things you can’t control, there actually are a few things you can affect. Hear me out.

When we’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of doubt, powerlessness, hopelessness, it can be really hard to believe there’s any way out.

But one of the things that can feel really empowering is taking control of those things you can affect.

Especially when it comes to issues that impact entire communities.

Stoking even a small ember of desire to improve your community can make a big difference in how you feel.


Participating in local activist groups can be really empowering.

Joining together with fellow community members, who share a common goal, can light that little ember ablaze. Even if it’s just one hour a week: connecting with people who share similar values and devoting a set time to advocate for the issues you’re passionate about can help you to feel like you are making a difference. And that makes a big difference with how you feel emotionally.

You may not feel as stuck or hopeless. You may even start to feel excited for the future.

Point is: getting involved allows you to harness that energy and use it for good. And we all know doing good for someone else = doing good for ourselves.

Along with getting active in a local or virtual community, taking action in more subtle ways can be just as helpful.


Be aware of those things that really set you off. Maybe it’s talking about certain topics (the election, anyone?) or even the sound of someone yelling.

There can be all kinds of things that activate our nervous system in a way that makes us feel out of control: the important thing is to know what causes you to feel intense emotional shifts and set healthy boundaries so you can minimize the chances of “freaking out.”

If you’re noticing conversations with family about politics are bringing up overwhelming anger, helplessness or even bad headaches and sleepless nights, it might be worth it to limit those conversations.

Stick to certain topics, limit your time and politely excuse yourself before things get too heated.

Getting out of your mind and into your body

This may not seem like “taking action” in the way participating in an activist group does, but it 100% equals taking action.

Our thoughts are great, we need them, but sometimes they can be really fucking annoying. Maybe there are even times they take us down paths that can feel scary. That’s the time we need to do something about them.

Rather than ruminating or obsessing over our thoughts, we notice them, honor them and shift our awareness to our body. We notice what we feel, where we feel it and let it go. We become attuned to our existence. Simply noticing, without judgment, is the key. This is mindfulness.: taking in what your body and surrounding environment is telling you without getting on a roller coaster of worry.

I won't lie - it takes practice. But the practice is part of the process. When we can slow our minds down and be more embodied, we feel better. Tension lessens, worry lessens. And when it comes to everything going on in the world, this should be priority #1. Shifting focus from the dread and the worry to our body is paramount to staying well (if you’re wondering how to do this, I have a bunch of fun skills I’ll be sharing with you soon to help you learn!)

In summation - it may feel like everything is fucked, but there are probably a few things that are not. Or at least are not as fucked as others. And there are some things you can do to un-fuck the fucked :)


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