3 “Must Dos” In Your Relationship This Year

You’re a badass, fierce millennial woman and you’re looking to level-up your relationships this year.

Maybe you want to enhance your connection with your significant other or you’re venturing back out into the dating world and are wanting to work on a few things before you commit.

Either way, kudos!

In the first blog post for the year of 2023, I’m talking all about relationships and how to show up for your special person.

Share New Experiences Together

There can be something really magical about experiencing new things with your partner: whether you’re taking a cooking class together, learning about other cultures or participating in extreme sports, doing new things with your partner can enhance your relationship in ways you may not expect.

Communication can improve! When you both find yourselves in a place neither of you have been, it can create an environment where you’re almost “forced” to focus more on how you’re expressing yourself and listening to your partner’s needs. Sometimes the activity itself requires you to be more attune to the other person’s experience. This can also help to foster a deeper level of intimacy in your relationship, and, no, I’m not talking about sex. Intimacy can involve developing a deeper understanding of your partner or showing up for your partner in a way you haven’t previously.

New experiences can lead to new opportunities in relationships. How beautiful is that?

Prioritize Communication

Communication is and will always be super important in all relationships. When it comes to romantic relationships, our ability to communicate (which includes listening!) effectively can make or break even apparently healthy relationships.

If this is something that’s been a struggle for you and your partner, re-committing to improving upon your communication skills can be a great way of showing your partner you’re in it for the long haul.

Here are a few quick communication tips you can start practicing right away. No cross talking, especially if you’re fighting. Limit distractions (like your phone) when your partner is trying to have an important conversation with you so they know you are making an effort to actively listen and be aware of your body language: it feels pretty shitty when your partner turns their back to you or rolls their eyes when you’re sharing your soul with them. Don’t be a dick; be aware.

Celebrate Your Partner

When something exciting happens in your life, you want your partner to celebrate that with you, right? Of course. Now, I’m not talking about partying. I’m referring to showing support for your significant other: letting them know you see them and know how important that exciting thing is to them. Acknowledge their successes; express your excitement for them in a meaningful way. Even if nothing has happened: you can still celebrate how amazing your partner is any day of the week. This can go a long way in keeping your relationship healthy and fulfilling.


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